Vs. 33 — Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall keep it to the end.

Charles H. Spurgeon:

Child-like, blessed words, from the lips of an old, experienced believer, and he a king, and a man inspired of God … The Psalmist will have the Lord for his teacher; for he feels that his heart will not learn of any less effectual instructor …   The very desire to learn this way is in itself an assurance that we shall be taught therein, for he who made us long to learn will be sure to gratify the desire.

Those who are taught of God never forget their lessons. When divine grace sets a man in the true way he will be true to it. Mere human wit and will have no such enduring influence: there is an end to all perfection of the flesh, but there is no end to heavenly grace except its own end, which is the perfecting of holiness in the fear of the Lord. Perseverance to the end is most certainly to be predicted of those whose beginning is in God, and with God, and by God; but those who commence without the Lord’s teaching soon forget what they learn, and start aside from the way upon which they professed to have entered. No one may boast that he will hold on his way in his own strength, for that must depend upon the continual teaching of the Lord: we shall fall like Peter, if we presume on our own firmness as he did. If God keeps us we shall keep his way; and it is a great comfort to know that it is the way with God to keep the feet of his saints. Yet we are to watch as if our keeping of the way depended wholly on ourselves; for, according to this verse, our perseverance rests not on any force or compulsion, but on the teaching of the Lord, and assuredly teaching, whoever be the teacher, requires learning on the part of the taught one: no one can teach a man who refuses to learn. Earnestly, then, let us drink in divine instruction, that so we may hold fast our integrity, and to life’s latest hour follow on in the path of uprightness! If we receive the living and incorruptible seed of the word of God we must live: apart from this we have no life eternal, but only a name to live. (Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). The treasury of David: Psalms 111-119 (Vol. 5, p. 208). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)


Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall keep it to the end. Yes, if the Spirit of God teaches me, I will learn, and I will understand, and I will be zealous in them. I set my heart to know Your statutes and to keep them diligently. Amen

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