Vs. 42 — So shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Your word.


“So shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Your word. Father, grant me wisdom to answer the reproaches against me. I know that Your word is truth. Let the light of truth open the eyes of those who speak against You. I know that it is not me they kick against, but the Lord Jesus Christ. As You broke Saul’s heart and opened his eyes on the road of Damascus, so open the eyes of those who speak against You today. I do not want to win arguments with someone who cannot see what I see, how futile of an exercise on my part. But give me compassion to hear the heart of the slanderer, to hear beyond their accusations and insults, and hear the fears or pains or hopeless they are suppressing. Give me the words of life to answer what is behind their fiery arrows. Give me humility so that their pride is deflated. Give me words of mercy and truth to speak Christ. Let the slanderer and accuser taste of Christ’s graciousness and see the goodness and necessity of the Gospel. Then grant him the gift of repentance and saving faith.

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