Vs. 52 — I remembered Your judgments of old, O Lord, And have comforted myself.

David Dickson:

It is good to have a number of examples of God’s dealings with his servants laid up in the storehouse of a sanctified memory, that thereby faith may be strengthened in the day of affliction; for so are we here taught.


I remembered Your judgments of old, O Lord, and have comforted myself. When I reflect on Your dealings with Your people down through the ages of time, I am reminded of Your faithfulness. When I consider my own life, I see Your faithful hand. Because You keep Your covenant, therefore I will not fear or be dismayed at the unknown or any calamity that befalls this world. Man will surely corrupt all that they puts their hands on. But one look over my shoulder reminds me that You have always been with me. You will carry me step by step though the foolishness and godlessness that man creates around me. And You will carry all of Your saints through to the end. O such faithful love.

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