Vs. 103 — How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!


O’ Lord God, Your Word

is a guiding word; a comforting word; a strengthening word; a hopeful word; a promising word; a loving word; a living word.

Your Word shows us

Your face; Your character; Your nature; Your person; Your personality; Your attributes; Your glory; Your power.

Your Word reveals

Your mercy to us; Your lovingkindness to us; Your abundant grace to us; Your care for us; Your plans for us; Your will for us.

Your Word does all of that and more.

Your Word teaches us

truth; wisdom; understanding; schemes of the enemy; ways of harm from the world; ways of harm from myself; right from wrong; how to please You; love others; and take care of our loved ones and ourselves.

Your Word

gives us discernment; light to our path; and encouragement; It builds us up and helps us to overcome, even before the table of our enemies.

Your Word does all of that and more.

His Word

Humbles us; reveals the true us; reads us; strips us of hypocrisy, pride, self-righteousness, ego, works-righteousness, and lays us naked—heart completely exposed. It breaks us and builds us; and reminds us that we live in dependence of the Gospel.

His Word Reveals

our need and our Savior; reveals our desperate condition; our desperation; our ruin and our rescuer; Reveals our dependence in our Creator, Maker, Keeper, & Source of Life; Reveals our Father, Our Redeemer, Our Sanctifying Spirit.

Your Word … is all of that and yet there is more. It does even much more.

Indeed, how sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!  Blessed be the Lord God Almighty! Amen!

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