Vs.136 — Rivers of water run down from my eyes, Because men do not keep Your law.

William Greenhill, 1591–1677:

The eye is for two things, sight and tears: if we see God dishonoured, presently our eyes should be filled with tears.

Robert Leighton:

Godly men are affected with deep sorrow for the sins of the ungodly.


Father, I am full of sorrow and deeply grieved when I see men neglect Your law. My sorrow is from a heart that knows from practice how easy it is to chase independence away from You. I weep because I have learned of Your wrath and judgment against the ungodly–those who hate You and refuse Your mercy and grace that is in Christ Jesus. Be merciful to them, they do not know, they are blind and walk in utter darkness. But I also pray for myself, for too often I stray from the light and walk in darkness. Lead us back to the way of righteousness and truth. When we put on our boots of self-sufficiency pull the rug out from under us to make us fall upon our knees. When we are lured and enticed to disregard Your statutes, be our Great Shepherd and deliver us, bringing us back to the way, even if due to our blindness we do not understand. Grant us, I pray, a repentant heart that grieves over our sins of pride. Soften our hearts to realize our whole dependence is in You. As it is written, ‘He, speaking of You, gives to all life, breath, and all things.’ and ‘in Him we live and move and have our being.’ Amen.

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