Vs. 163 — I hate and abhor lying, But I love Your law.

Charles H. Spurgeon:

A double expression for an inexpressible loathing. Falsehood in doctrine, in life, or in speech, falsehood in any form or shape, had become utterly detestable to the Psalmist. …  Both love and hate are contagious, and when they are sanctified the wider their influence the better. (Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). The treasury of David: Psalms 111-119 (Vol. 5, p. 424). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)

Thomas Manton:

“I hate and abhor lying”: not only “hate” it, nor simply I “abhor” it, but “hate and abhor,” to strengthen and increase the sense, and make it more vehement. Where the enmity is not great against the sin, the matter may be compounded and taken up; but David will have nothing to do with it, for he saith,—I loathe and abhor it, and hate it with a deadly hatred. Slight hatred of a sinful course is not sufficient to guard us against it. (Manton, Thomas. The Complete Works of Thomas Manton. Vol. 9. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1872.)


Father, I hate and abhor lying, but I love Your law. I ask for help to guard my own tongue, and also my heart from deceiving and being deceived. Thank you for helping me to see the evil of deception and its vile destructive nature and work. I can still remember how such sin enslaved me and worked it poison through me to hurt others. But Christ as liberated me; freed this soul from its captivity and put to death that wretched man of sin. Being in Christ, continue to work this sanctification out, giving me a growing hatred towards this sin of falsehood, even all sin, and a growing love and praise for truth and righteousness. Help me to never use people, manipulate people, slight people in any form or manner. Cut my heart with a dragger every time my selfishness raises its head and begins down such paths. Stop me with a holy, crushing conviction. I do not want my old man, that flesh nature of sinfulness, to lift its head in any form, especially falsehood. Truth be my love and therefore I will exalt Your word! Christ as set me free, and I am free indeed! Amen.

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