“Maybe I have been bringing my own agenda to the table when I’ve prayed. Maybe that’s a part of the reason it’s like talking to the ceiling. Maybe that’s why I struggle to make time to pray. It’s too much about me!”    (from my novel:  A Reason to Pray at Mountainview)

When examining your prayers and devotional time, ask:

  • How much (quality and quantity) is about me and how much is about God and His will? For instance, when you pray, how much of it is a one-way conversation?
  • How much is spent on a list of temporary wants or circumstances that you want God to change?
  • How much is spent on learning about Him through the Scripture?

We can easily forget that prayer is more than taking requests to God. Petitions and intercession for others are important and He desires us to do that, after all we need Him to meet our needs and give us mercy and grace in times of need. Yet there is more, much more in this spiritual exercise called prayer. Since God is infinite in all that He is—His attributes and character—it would be reasonable to conclude that He has created prayer for more than making requests. There is more, much more.

What? Prayer isn’t about me? Nope! Prayer isn’t all about me .. or you! Most of us are too full of ourselves the rest of day. Yep, I said that. It is a good thing that prayer isn’t about me. The living God, our God, wants us to focus on Him. God created us to fully enjoy Him and prayer is a part of fully enjoying Him. From prayer we learn to grow and tap into His grace which molds us into the glorious image of the Son. From Scripture we discover His promises and in prayer we embrace them. From prayer we find joy and peace that is unearthly and exists only in the Prince of Peace. Prayer is about Him.

This may sound simplistic, but I would challenge you to take the time to search your faith and how you express it–especially in devotional time with Him, and note how much of your will and your agenda is promoted over His will and Name. Jesus reminded us in His teaching on how to pray to put the Father at the beginning, through every step, and then Jesus reminds us at the end that it is still about the Father.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your name.”

“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

It’s all about Him–the Eternal One; the Sovereign One; the Perfect One.

“Father, help us to move ourselves from the forefront and make You and Your kingdom first in our prayers. I am sorry that we keep telling You want we want You to do instead of seeking Your will and purpose in our situations. All that we ask, whether it is a need or Your favor, we surrender all to Your perfect will and good pleasure. May Your Spirit continue to conform us into the image of the Son. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

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