I am the pastor and senior elder at Muddy Creek Baptist Church in Powhatan, Virginia. My pastoral background ranges from Presbyterian to Pentecostal, Baptist to Non-Denominational. I believe that this diverse background has given me an understanding of various theological camps within the Body of Christ. My wide ecclesiological (that’s a mouth full) background has helped mold my personal theology and bring me into the camp of the Reformers.

Besides serving as a Pastor, I enjoy writing biblical study guides and novels with their purpose of being vehicles to teach biblical principles and theology. Stories have a way of bringing the theoretical into the daily grind. They touch our affections and thus penetrate into our personal lives.

I hold a Master of Arts in Religion, from California Graduate School of Theology, and a Master of Business Administration, from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Business. Currently my wife and I are enjoying serving our King with a wonderful church family, while being empty-nesters in beautiful Virginia.

My theological anchor?

1. My Confession of Faith is defined by The 1853 New Hampshire Confession.

2. Personal heroes of the faith? Yes, The biggest influence are the Puritans. Of the puritans, pastor Thomas Brooks and John Bunyan are my favorites. Other influences are Charles H. Spurgeon; Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and more recently J.C. Ryle, but the list can go on and on. Yep, I like to read and learn from the dead guys and stand on their shoulders to see the truth and glory of the Son.

If you would like to contact me, you can email me at: jeffbeardbooks@gmail.com