Grab this Book – Free – from The Voice of the Martyrs

His Beliefs Put Him In Prison... His Faith Set Him Free!

I’ve talked about the ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs. This is the founder’s story. This book shocked the Nation. The international bestseller Tortured for Christ tells the dramatic story of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and how he endured 14 years in prison for his faith in Jesus Christ.
Request your FREE copy today.

Click this link and go get it. “Tortured for Christ.”
It will make you examine and challenge your faith and commitment to Christ, which is just what we need to do. For some, it may wake you up to a whole new perception of the Christian faith.

Building a Treasure Chest

When you read or hear something that arrests your heart, what do you do? Let’s say that it is something profound that causes you to stop your thinking process and ponder. You recognize these types of thoughts as something convicting—humbling or encouraging, or inspiring, or even greater? Does this happen very often? I think that it should, and if it isn’t, then I’d argue that you’ve become stagnant.

Did that sting?

From a prayer in The Valley of Vision:  “Help me to honour thee by believing before I feel, for great is the sin if I make feeling a cause of faith.”

If you have followed my blog or read one my books, you know that Scripture is all this and more. I’m going to presume that Scripture is a give-me on this subject, and goes without saying. This is about other types of treasures.

“A mystery of the Word of God; it fills you up and satisfies you, while leaving you hungry and unsatisfied.” – Pastor Johnny Hunt

By the way, I’m not talking about something only on an academic level. I am referring to something that includes the intellect but keeps going deeper. Let’s be clear here, I’m not referring to cotton candy snippets of positive thinking and self-esteem pill popping.

Does it challenge what you believe or how you see things or how you act or think? Does it bring reality to light, humble, inspire, or confirm and at the same time stir your heart God-ward? This is the stuff that enlarges your view and understanding of God, the work of Christ, and your walk with Him—the rich stuff. These treasures will vary in power and depth, length and affect, and they are good, so good.

“Most of the unhappiness in your life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What do you do when you come across one of these gems? Do you write it down so that you can return to it like a cool spring fed well? Do you ponder for a moment and say, “huh” and more on? I encourage you to have place where you write these types of gems down so you can visit them periodically and especially when you need them to stir your soul. Perhaps the pages on the inside of your Bible—front and back; a small journal; or note cards.

From one of my favorite books—The Cross of Christ (John R.W. Stott): “The essential background to the cross, therefore, is a balanced understanding of the gravity of sin and the majesty of God. If we diminish either, we thereby diminish the cross.”