Thomas Brooks and Private Prayer – 6

This is a lengthy post simply because I don’t want to break up how well Brooks supports his point. He also has a few good stories of saints that are worth reading.

The most eminent saints, both in the Old and New Testament, have applied themselves to private prayer. Moses was alone in the mount with God forty days and forty nights, Exod. 34:28. So Abraham fills his mouth with arguments, and reasons the case out alone with God in prayer, to prevent Sodom’s desolation and destruction, and never leaves off pleading and praying till he had brought God down from fifty to ten, Gen. 18:22–32; and in Gen. 21:33, you have Abraham again at his private prayers: ‘And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God.’ Why did Abraham plant a grove, but that he might have a most private place to pray and pour out his soul before the Lord in? So Isaac: Gen. 24:63, ‘And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at even-tide.’ The Hebrew word lasuach, that is here rendered meditate, signifies to pray as well as to meditate, and so it is often used. It is a comprehensive word, that takes in both prayer and meditation. So you shall find Jacob at his private prayer: Gen. 32:24–28, ‘And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.’ When Jacob was all alone, and in a dark night, and when his joints were out of joint, he so wrestles and weeps, and weeps and wrestles in private prayer, that as a prince at last he prevails with God, Hosea 12:3, 4. So David, Ps. 55:16, 17, ‘As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice.’ So Daniel was three times a-day in private prayer: Dan. 6:10, ‘Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and, his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a-day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime.’ Daniel had accustomed himself to private prayer; he went to his closet before he went to his public employment and state affairs; and at his return to dinner, he turned first into his chamber to serve his God and refresh his soul before he sat down to feast his body; and at the end of the day, when he had despatched his business with men, he made it his business to wait upon God in his chamber. So Jonah keeps up private prayer when he was in the fish’s belly, yea, when he was in the belly of hell, Jonah 2:1, 2, &c. So we have Elijah at prayer under the juniper tree, 1 Kings 19:4; so Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:13. Now, Hannah she speaks in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. The very soul of prayer lies in the pouring out of the soul before God, as Hannah did, ver. 15. Neither was Rebekah a stranger to this duty, who, upon the babe’s struggling in her womb, went to inquire of the Lord, Gen. 25:22; that is, she went to some secret place to pray, saith Calvin, Musculus, Mercerus, and others. So Saul is no sooner converted, but presently he falls upon private prayer: Acts 9:11, ‘And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth.’ Though he was a strict Pharisee, yet he never prayed to purpose before, nor never prayed in private before. The Pharisees used to pray in the corners of the streets, and not in the corners of their houses. And after his conversion he was frequently in private prayer, as you may see by comparing of these scriptures together, Rom. 1:9; Eph. 1:15, 16; Philip. 1:3, 4; 2 Tim. 1:3. So Epaphras was a warm man in closet prayer, Philip. 4:12, 13; so Cornelius had devoted himself to private prayer, Acts 10:2, 4; and so Peter gets up to the house-top to pray: ver. 9, ‘On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the house top to pray, about the sixth hour.’ Peter got up upon the leads, not only to avoid distraction, but that he might be the more secret in his private devotion. Eusebius tells us of James called Justus, that his knees were grown hard and brawny with kneeling so much in private prayer.  And Nazianzen reports of his sister Gorgonia, that her knees seemed to cleave to the earth by her often praying in private. And Gregory saith of his aunt Trucilla, that her elbows was as hard as horn by often leaning upon her desk at private prayer. I have read of a devout person, who, when the set time for his private devotion was come, whatever company he was in, he would break from them with this neat and handsome come off, ‘I have a friend that stays for me; farewell.’ And there was once a great lady of this land, who would frequently withdraw from the company of lords and ladies of great quality, who came to visit her, rather than she would lose her set times of waiting upon God in her closet; she would, as they called it, rudely take her leave of them, that so she might in private attend the Lord of lords. She would spare what time she could to express her favours, civilities, and courtesies among her relations and friends; but she would never suffer them to rob God of his time, nor her soul of that comfort and communion which she used to enjoy when she was with God in her closet. And indeed, one hour’s communion with God in one’s closet, is to be preferred before the greatest and best company in the world. And there was a child of a Christian gentlewoman, that was so given to prayer from its infancy, that before it could well speak, it would use to get alone and go to prayer; and as it grew, it was more frequent in prayer and retiring of itself from company; and he would ask his mother very strange questions, far above the capacity of one of his years; but at last, when this child was but five years old, and whipping of his top, on a sudden he flung away his scourge-stick and top, and ran to his mother, and with great joy said unto her, ‘Mother, I must go to God; will you go with me?’ She answered, ‘My dear child, how dost thou know thou shalt go to God?’ He answered, ‘God hath told me so, for I love God, and God loves me.’ She answered, ‘Dear child, I must go when God pleaseth. But why wilt thou not stay with me?’ The child answered, ‘I will not stay; I must go to God.’ And the child did not live above a month after, but never cared for play more; but falling sick, he would always be saying that he must go to God, he must go to God; and thus sometimes ‘out of the mouths of babes and sucklings God hath perfected praise,’ Mat. 21:16. Certainly such persons will be ripe for heaven betimes who begin betimes to seek God in a closet, in a corner. And Eusebius reports of Constantine the emperor, that every day he used to shut up himself in some secret place in his palace, and there, on bended knees, did make his devout prayers and soliloquies to God. ‘My God and I are good company,’ said famous Dr Sibbes. A man whoso soul is conversant with God in a closet, in a hole, behind the door, or in a desert, a den, a dungeon, shall find more real pleasure, more choice delight, and more full content, than in the palace of a prince. By all these famous instances, you see that the people of God in all ages have addicted themselves to private prayer. O friends! these pious examples should be very awakening, very convincing, and very encouraging to you. Certainly it is as much your duty as it is your glory to follow these pious patterns that are now set before you.


Brooks, T. (1866). The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. (A. B. Grosart, Ed.) (Vol. 2, pp. 166–168). Edinburgh; London; Dublin: James Nichol; James Nisbet and Co.; G. Herbert.

Thomas Brooks and Private Prayer – 5

Thomas Brooks deals with the passive attitudes that down plays the necessity of closet prayer with the heavenly Father (Matthew 6:6).  You gotta love his old English dialect.

If closet prayer be not an indispensable duty that Christ hath laid upon all his people, why doth Satan so much oppose it? why doth he so industriously and so unweariedly labour to discourage Christians in it, and to take off Christians from it? Certainly, Satan would never make such a fierce and constant war as he doth upon private prayer, were it not a necessary duty, a real duty, and a soul-enriching duty.

It is for certain that our selfish sin nature doesn’t want to block time off for prayer and the Scriptures. Our selfish tendencies can think of a thousand other things to do, and be very convincing about most of them. Sleep is my preferred alternative. Homemade oatmeal cookies are almost there.

But don’t think that Satan is neutral in this subject. He sees and experiences the power of prayer against him. It is advantageous for him to encourage us away from solitude with the Almighty God. As Brook points out, Satan makes a fierce and constant war to hinder the privileged ones–the saints, from their spiritual duty of prayer.

Next time your mind begins feeding on an excuse that would deter you from seeking the Lord’s face and meditating in the Scriptures, even if it is a legitimate excuse, label it for what it is–a godless excuse. Stop and consider the words of Brooks and don’t let the enemy of Christ manipulate you from what you need, what others need you to do on their behalf, and from what he (Satan) knows is his scourge.

Brooks, T. (1866). The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. (A. B. Grosart, Ed.) (Vol. 2, p. 166). Edinburgh; London; Dublin: James Nichol; James Nisbet and Co.; G. Herbert.

Thomas Brooks and Private Prayer – 4

Thomas Brooks cuts straight to our hearts on secret prayer and public prayer. We see the need and duty of public prayer, but many Christians do not see the same necessity and duty with private prayer.  Brooks begins with a doctrinal truth.

Doctrine: That closet prayer or private prayer is an indispensable duty, that Christ himself hath laid upon all that are not willing to lie under the woeful brand of being hypocrites.

If any prayer be a duty, then secret prayer must needs be a duty; for secret prayer is as much prayer as any other prayer is prayer; and secret prayer prepares and fits the soul for family prayer, and for public prayer. Secret prayer sweetly inclines and strongly disposes a Christian to all other religious duties and services.

Every time I read these lines I hear the hammer hit the anvil especially hard and loud in two places. The first is that our private prayer time prepares and fits us for other prayers. The second strike is the sweetness in which secret prayer prepares us for all other areas of christian life and duties, outside the prayer closet.  I don’t know how strongly you believe these to be true. I believe that our hearts bear witness that they are true but our selfish nature doesn’t want them to be so. If I fully acknowledge these statements to be true and authentic and yet shelve them or down-play them, what does that mean? And yet, if I know these statements to be true and I embrace them and act on them, will I not find myself experiencing the promised rewards that come from meeting with the heavenly Father in the secret place (Matthew 6:6)?

Brooks, T. (1866). The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. (A. B. Grosart, Ed.) (Vol. 2, p. 162). Edinburgh; London; Dublin: James Nichol; James Nisbet and Co.; G. Herbert.

Thomas Brooks and Private Prayer – 3

We’re learning about private prayer from the writings of the puritan pastor Thomas Brooks. He begins his teaching with:

Matthew 6:6 (NKJV) — 6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

“THESE words of our Saviour are plain, and to be taken literally, and not allegorically, for he speaketh of shutting the door of the chamber. In this chapter there is a manifest opposition between the Pharisees praying in the synagogues and corners of the streets, and others praying in secret.

In the text you have a positive precept for every Christian to pray alone: ‘But thou, when thou prayest.’ He saith not, when you pray, but thou, ‘when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,’ &c., as speaking not so much of a joint duty of many praying together, as of a duty which each person is to do alone. The command in the text senalds us as well to the closet as to the church; and he is a hypocrite in grain that chooses the one and neglects the other; for thereby he tells the world he cares for neither, he makes conscience of neither.”


That last line from Brooks has a sharp point on it, does it not? We love prayers in our church services and churchy circles, but where is the time spent alone with the Father? Jesus does bring out the two types of praying–with others and alone. Can we love one, practice one, partake of one and neglect the other and not be the hypocrite Jesus refers to in Matthew 6:5?  I’ll leave that for you to contemplate.

Brooks, T. (1866). The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. (A. B. Grosart, Ed.) (Vol. 2, p. 162). Edinburgh; London; Dublin: James Nichol; James Nisbet and Co.; G. Herbert.