A Christian Writer or a Writer Who is a Christian (Part I)

A “Christian writer” or “a writer who is a Christian,” is there a difference? Some may say that one refers to the purpose and content that is written–being a Christian theme, and the other phrase emphasizes the writer’s personal faith and has nothing to do with what he is writing. I agree that a person can be a Christian writer and not write books about biblical themes and lessons. But are there responsibilities that come with being a Christian writer? Aren’t there responsibilities that come with being a Christian?

Whether you write books, run a business, or (fill in the blank) you’re a Christian first in whatever you do. As a Christian, your first identify is defined by Whose you are. You may be identified as a writer or a brain surgeon, but those labels are down the list in comparison to who (and what) Jesus has made you. Therefore we cannot profess a Christian faith and throw it in the desk drawer when we go to work or go to play. Jesus called us to be the salt and light of the world and that responsibility is not to be stuffed into a drawer or dropped out of sight in how and what we write.

My next post will focus on three responsibilities of a Christian writer. It doesn’t matter if you write on Christian themes or not, these responsibilities hold true. In fact the three responsibilities apply to brain surgeons and the fill in the blank people. The reasons for being told to behave before entering the store come to light next week in Part II .

My wife is exactly the person I need in my life. Thanks, Hon.