“Sympathy is no substitute for action.” – David Livingstone, Missionary/Explorer

The last two posts introduced you to two ministries that support our brethren who are persecuted for the sake of the Gospel. I am familiar with both of them and encourage you to get to know them as well. I’ve included links below to their websites.

Here is one more:  http://www.frontlinemissions.info/

These ministries are not involved in politics or advancing denominationalism. The Gospel is their underlying drive and to help those who are persecuted for trusting in it, living it, and proclaiming it.



Here are a couple of things that we can do:

  • Pray for these ministries. Pray what? For wisdom, discernment, access to the persecuted ones, courage, boldness, and support from the rest of the Body of Christ.
  • If you’re looking for a way to help remember to pray for your brethren, I keep something in my Bible. I have a couple different prayer items that I use like abookmarker.
    • Download this global map from Frontline Missions. Keep it in your Bible and follow the monthly prayer list. Each day is for a different country that is high risk for Christians.
    • I also have a monthly brochure from Opendoorsusa.org that gives specific situations and people to pray for each day of the month.
    • You can also get a daily prayer request sent to your email or mobile device from Voice of the Martyr. There are all kinds of ways to stay connected and support those who are on the front lines and who live in danger every day for their faith.
  • Consider supporting at least one of them, or a similar ministry, financially. I like that these ministries have different ways to financially support the work. Something new with Voice of the Martyr is “Adopt a Front-Line Worker.” Check it out.
  • Find out if they are holding an event in your area and go.
  • Subscribe to the ministries’ newsletters and publications.

A couple of recommended books—fiction and non-fiction:

There are other ministries that support our persecuted brethren. Check them out and give your support in whatever way you can.  Just don’t forget about your brethren.

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