Vs. 77 — Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; For Your law is my delight.

William Cowper:

If we mark narrowly we shall find that David here seeks another sort of mercy than he sought before. For first he sought mercy to forgive his sins; then he sought mercy to comfort him in his troubles; now he seeks mercy to live, and sin no more. Alas, many seek the first mercy, of remission; and the second mercy of consolation in trouble, who are altogether careless of the third mercy, to live well. It is a great mercy of God to amend thy life: where this is not, let no man think he hath received either of the former. It is a great mercy of God, which not only pardons evil that is done, but strengthens us also to further good that we have not done; and this is the mercy which here David seeks.

Thomas Watson:

“Thy law is my delight.” A child of God, though he cannot serve the Lord perfectly, yet he serves him willingly; his will is in the law of the Lord; he is not a pressed soldier, but a volunteer. By the beating of this pulse we may judge whether there be spiritual life in us or no. David professeth that God’s law was his delight; he had his crown to delight in, he had his music to delight in; but the love he had to God’s law did drown all other delights; as the joy of harvest and vintage exceeds the joy of gleaning.


Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; for Your law is my delight. I have come to learn the necessity of Your mercy towards me. I cannot live one breath out from under Your tender mercies. Indeed, I live because of the mercies that cover me. Do not let me forget how gracious and merciful You are to me and my family. We would be lost and hopeless if it were not for Your tender mercies.  I have also come to learn that this shower of mercy has no end as You have no end. As eternal as You are, so are Your tender mercies towards those who belong to You. If my mind is ever distracted by the accuser with guilt, shame, and condemnation, I only need to look at the cross and I am reminded, yes refreshed, of how grand and eternal Your mercies are towards me. Your mercies are new every morning because they are ever alive from Your heart.

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