Vs. 95 — The wicked wait for me to destroy me, But I will consider Your testimonies.

Charles Spurgeon:

They were like wild beasts crouching by the way, or highwaymen waylaying a defenceless traveller; but the Psalmist went on his way without considering them, for he was considering something better, namely, the witness or testimony which God has borne to the sons of men. He did not allow the malice of the wicked to take him off from his holy study of the divine word. He was so calm that he could “consider”; so holy that he loved to consider the Lord’s “testimonies”; so victorious over all their plots that he did not allow them to drive him from his pious contemplations. If the enemy cannot cause us to withdraw our thoughts from holy study, or our feet from holy walking, or our hearts from holy aspirations, he has met with poor success in his assaults. (Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). The treasury of David: Psalms 111-119 (Vol. 5, p. 317). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)


Father, though there are many snares and schemes of the wicked against the godly I will not dwell on them. Your grace is what I will dwell on. Your testimonies have proven the faithfulness of Your care. I will let You deal with the wicked and I will set my mind on truth, justice, and mercy. Neither will I fear the plans of hate towards the righteous, for You neither sleep nor slumber. You are neither weak nor weary. Your arm is not short or slow in revealing Your strength and power. Though my eyes may see temporary ground gained by the wicked and unjust, this merely causes them to grow delusional in false hope and pride. For their end is near and dark it will be. For the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth rules. He reigns in heaven and on earth, and all the affairs of man are His to order. He is GOD! and there is none like Him! AMEN!



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