A Guest Blogger has a Story to Tell

Today’s post is from a guest blogger, Kathi Miles. Kathi and her husband, Greg, have been long time friends of my wife and me. Her blog (gotta love the name) is, “Ramblings For The Weary Traveler.” I invite you to check her blog out and start following, at:  http://kjoymiles.blogspot.com/

Thank you, Kathi, for contributing to this blog.

The Story I Want to Tell

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about King David and the fact that God called him “A Man After My Own Heart.” Even though God knew all that he would do wrong, He also had no doubt that David would do what He wanted Him to.

I’ve read stories and articles pointing out the reasons why God referred to David that way, but no matter what I read, I can’t help but recall that David sinned and sinned big. He was a murderer, an adulterer, and a liar and yet this is his legacy. This is what God saw.

As I read through the Psalms of David, I feel as though I am honing in on something so personal and intimate that I shouldn’t be there and yet, I can’t leave. I covet every thought, every word and every feeling David felt. I want to identify with his heart, his trust and his passion for God. To experience the same sorrow over my sins and have the same desire to please God as he did.

And that is what God has been doing in my heart. He is bringing me to that place of deep sorrow and giving me a longing to please and obey Him even though my obedience isn’t necessary to maintain His love and I can never be more righteous before Him than I am right now.

Yes, David knew a love for God that most of us never will and never do. He understood the grace that I have only just begun to grasp but, like David, God is giving me a hunger for more, not just for more of His grace but for more of the One who bestows it.

It is Jesus that David desired. Not just His provisions, His gifts, His strength and His calling. It wasn’t His power, His protection, and His forgiveness he thirsted for. It was God himself. He ran after Him and enjoyed Him. He danced for Him and kissed His face in worship. David’s story is a love story. Jesus’ love for Him and his love for Jesus. That’s the story I want to tell.

Yes, God called David, “A Man After My Own Heart” because that’s what he was and that’s what I want to be too.

Reference Scriptures:
Psalm 63:1 “Oh God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
Psalm 63:3 “Because Your love is better than life, my lips will praise You.”
Acts 13:22 “I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.”
John 15:14 “You are my friends if you do what I command.”

Check out Kathi’s blog at: http://kjoymiles.blogspot.com/

Where has God Taken You?

In the previous post we saw King David step away from everyone and get alone with God. He sat before the Lord in his private chamber and talked to His God. The substance of this conversation started earlier in the chapter with God speaking to David. This is how it is supposed to be–the Lord has spoken to us through His Word, either by preaching or the written Word and we respond. In fact, everyone responds in one direction or the other. But I digress.

In 2 Samuel 7:8-16 the Lord spoke through the prophet Nathan a very interesting message. The Lord walked David across the history of his life to remind him WHO was orchestrating his days. It was not fate. It was not chance. It was not other people. It was not economic or political influences of the day. And it wasn’t good or bad luck. The Lord says, “I took you…”  “I have …” “I will appoint …”I commanded …”  “I will …” You get the picture? All credit belongs to the Lord. God is reminding David WHO brought those events to pass in his life.

As the Lord reminded David how his life went through many seasons and many changes and that HE, God, was there orchestrating the events that brought him to the place he was at that time in his life, so it applies to us.  We need to stop and contemplate what the Lord God has done for us. I want to encourage you to stop and look over your shoulder and see what God has done in your life, in your heart, to His glory. His fingerprints are everywhere. His work is more evident than you might think.

Some readers of this post may say that their life has been one set back after another. You may be discouraged about the pain you’ve experienced; the heartbreak that has left wounds; or perhaps when you think of your past all you see is disappointment and failure. Is that all you see? If you’re reading this blog, you are probably a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. That means that the Spirit of God adopted you into the family of God. That means that you have been forgiven of all trespasses, guilt, and shame. That means that you are hidden in God in Christ. That means that God had chosen you beforehand to lavish His love, mercy, and grace on you. And He has done exactly that–lavished His love, mercy, and grace upon you.

Reflect on how the Gospel of Jesus Christ changed your heart, your mind, your affections, your directions, and so much more of your life. Recognize that it has been the Lord’s hand keeping you, holding you up, and sustaining you throughout the years. He was the One giving strength when you wanted to give up. He was there moving people in your life. He was the One that brought you through the turmoil and heartache. It may have seemed like other influences, but the Lord is the keeper and sustainer and the good God of our lives. He has been the One who has shined in your heart the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. He did this; He did this, YES, HE DID THIS! AMEN!

From where has the Lord God taken me, and where does He have me now?  With Him all the social, occupational, economic, and materialistic standards of this world do not hold a candle to where He has placed me–SECURELY IN CHRIST. He has rescued me and you and now we belong to Him, eternally.  Amen!

Physical, Mental, and Heart Posture … before the Lord

In my morning prayer time, I’ve been reading and meditating on 2 Samuel 7.  The second half of this chapter we find King David praying in response to what happens in the first half of the chapter. I want to put the spotlight on verse 18, and specifically the first part of the verse.

“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said …”

These words arrested my attention and my soul. I want them to do the same for you.

A busy king with much on his plate went into the proverbial closet, shut the door, and “sat before the Lord, and he said…”  This phrase speaks of David’s relationship with His God and the weight that he places on private, personal prayer with God. This phrase gives us a beautiful description of David’s actions, outwardly and inwardly.

He left the room where everyone was attending to him, entered his private chambers, and physically sat down. He may have sat down alone in a room, but he was anything but alone. He sat before the Lord. It is obvious that we can see more than the physical posture of David. Because we have learned the character and heart of David from the scriptures we can see more than his physical posture in that private room. We can see the posture of David’s heart. He “sat”- speaks of his heart being comfortable, welcomed, and loved. Then the words, “before the Lord” speaksof his faith and reverence. David knew that when he stepped into his private chambers he was going to go before his Lord and pray.  David didn’t hesitate or doubt that his Lord would be before him. David didn’t wonder if the Lord would be present to hear his prayers. David knew; it was a natural act, with no hesitation of faith or awareness of his Lord.

The lesson is obvious, isn’t it?

Do you see this wonderful picture of a man who knows his God and knows his acceptance before his God? This is a picture of David’s physical posture, heart posture, and mental posture in fellowship with the Lord God of the universe. Confidence, acceptance, loved, and reverence; all this in those few words of 2 Samuel 7:18.  This reminds me of his prayer recorded in Psalm 64:1. David begins with, “Oh God, You are my God.” David’s heart was reverent and he knew that he was accepted and loved.

Let this picture be branded into your imagination so that it calls you to step away to a private chamber and sit before the Lord. Let the Scripture paint a picture for you to live by.

2 Psalm 34:15 —  The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry.

Matthew 6:6 – But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.


The Permeating Influence of Prayer

“… in everything by prayer and supplication …”

Those two words:  “in everything.”  Prayer is intended to permeate every aspect of life. This sounds extreme but not to the Apostle Paul who wrote it to the Christians in Philippi.

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV) — 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Prayer isn’t just for religious services, bedtime, mealtime, or for a crisis. Kind of like milk, it is for anytime and everywhere–“in everything.”  Our prayers can reach further than we can imagine. Yes, God hears them, yet their directional influence isn’t just heavenward.

Prayers from the soul  touch our heart’s affections; our heart’s direction; and our heart’s vision. They affect our virtues, priorities, habits, weaknesses, and strengths. They do this because they come from the soul, the very heart of our being, with heart-felt passion and hope.

A prayerful soul finds itself surrendering. The nature of prayer by definition surrenders to the Father’s will, the Savior’s Lordship, and the Spirit’s work–“not my will, but Thy will be done.” This day-to-day surrendering disturbs the lurking pride and self-righteousness that flatters us. The aroma of Jesus Christ conquers such foulness as the soul bows in delightful posture to the true King. A prayerful soul disturbs and undermines other similar characters (i.e., anxiety, fears, loneliness, doubt, regrets, shame, confusion) that have found hospitable quarters in our lives. Prayer from the soul to God permeates far and deep in the life of the one praying.

A prayerful soul will find the well, and within the well is the sweet waters of joy, peace, love, forgiveness, liberty, life, encouragement, inspiration, wisdom, and the abundance of our Father’s grace. This water is meant to feed into every aspect of the believer’s life. The Holy Spirit’s delight is to cause the well of living water to spring up from within each believer’s soul. Prayer taps the well and the soul drinks from its life.

Like the sun rising in the morning and creeping across the landscape, so the light of one’s dependence upon God “in everything” grows in the prayerful soul. Prayer helps the believer see his desperate dependence on God–dependence “in everything” at all times. Our relationships, occupations, education, economics, as with our growth in the knowledge of the Kingdom of God are affected by the bowing heart that is looking upward with hope. This active prayerful soul grows in the light that God is the center and source of all reality. All things are by Him and for Him, and to Him belongs all glory and honor for all that is honorable and good.

How does one’s prayers permeate every aspect of life? The simple answer is:  by doing it.  Recorded in Matthew 6:6, Jesus said get alone with God the Father. Be sincere; be surrendered; be simple. The easiest spiritual exercise is prayer. Grab your Bible and shut the door behind you and let your praying soul drink from the well and lay hold of the great and gracious God.

The Collaboration of Faith and Unbelief

We have recorded in the Gospel of Mark 9:14-27, an incident and conversation that gives insight to the subjects of faith and unbelief.  A father brings his son, who is possessed by a demon, to where he heard Jesus to be. Jesus isn’t there and nine of the disciples try but fail to cast the demon out of boy. By the time Jesus shows up on the scene, the dad’s faith is wounded and wrecked. The dad’s faith has gone from full blown confidence to being on life-support.  We can relate to that, right? Trusting in God for an answer to prayer one day and the next day our faith that He heard our request is in the basement digging a hole. The reality is more like faith one minute and unbelief creeping into our minds within the hour.

In this story the dad confesses to Jesus that he wants to believe, that he’s trying to believe, that there is a little bit of faith in Jesus down deep, but that unbelief has swelled within his bosom. He cries out, “I believe, help my unbelief.”

What does Jesus do? Does Jesus shake His head in disappointment and murmur, “We’ll, I thought I was going to be able to help this man’s son, but now I can’t because of the father’s unbelief.”

Does Jesus rebuke the dad and say, “Your doubt is what keeps your son in bondage to the demon!”

Does Jesus turn to the disciples and say, “This is why you couldn’t cast the demon out of the boy!”

Does Jesus say to the dad, “When you have rid yourself of the doubt and unbelief and can believe without wavering, then come back and see me.”

The answer to all of those is, NO!

Too many people have been told that if you have doubt, even a little bit, then your faith is neutralized. That is absurd on many levels.  Where do I begin to rebut such an unbiblical idea? The man’s faith is not what cast the demon out of his son, any more than it is your super-duper Christian faith that saved you.  Jesus saved you! Your faith doesn’t do the work, Jesus does. Your faith trusts in Him to do the work, or that He has done the work, but it is Jesus and not you.  Too often we put faith in ourselves, or in other words, faith in our faith. Well, Don’t! Have faith in God.

If you have heard someone tell you that you should have faith in YOUR faith, just grin, say, “No Thanks,” and quote Mark 11:22.

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

The dad in the story from Mark 9, is just like all of us, he has a mix of faith and unbelief. The dad arrived on the scene believing that Jesus could deliver his son and due to let-downs and anti-Christ arguments from the self-righteous religious leaders who were arguing with the nine disciples, this dad’s faith began to wane. He wanted to believe that Jesus could, and yet confessed that he was wrestling with unbelief. He had both faith and unbelief at work simultaneously within the heart.  This isn’t a double-minded man, this is every believer that can admit he/she is not perfect and battles within the mind.

The next thing that Jesus did is a practical example for us all. Jesus reached out to this dad by asking him to tell the story of his son. This personal, caring gesture pulled the dad’s faith closer to Jesus.  It had to have helped him see Jesus as more than a healer, as a caring shepherd. It is as if Jesus said, “Tell me your story. How long has this been happening to your son? I care.”  Jesus accepted this man who was wrestling with faith and unbelief.

The Lord never expects perfect faith, that would be pointless, though he is worthy of it. He only expects imperfect faith because that’s all He’s ever going to get out of us and all of us are going to believe with a measure of doubt mixed in. – John MacArthur

Be encouraged, faith and doubt may be oil and water but faith is the dominate one. Faith trumps Unbelief. Unbelief and doubt do not cancel out, void out, or negate faith. You may struggle with unbelief, but the faith God put in you is still faith, no matter what unbelief or your feelings may tell you. And the faith remains His gift to you.  I remember hearing many years ago a popular preacher say with conviction, “An ounce of doubt will destroy a pound of faith.”  I have no idea what scripture he was twisting to support that garbage. Faith is a divine gift from God (Romans 12:3) and human doubt, fear, anxiety, nor sin nor sickness can destroy God’s gift. A person’s faith may be weak and wrestling, but if God has given a person a measure of faith, then it remains. What you do with that measure is another teaching all together.

If you have been beat up with condemnation or shame because you do not have perfect faith, relax, you’re exactly what Jesus expects. Remember? You’re not Jesus. You are an imperfect human that relies on Jesus to keep you and bless you. Jesus does not require perfect faith or Goliath size faith, He is looking for your mustard seed faith.

If you have been told that God only blesses those with strong, unwavering faith, then you and I would never be forgiven and redeemed, or ever be blessed. Only Jesus had unwavering faith. The dad in our story had messy faith that was ready to give up, and yet Jesus accepted him and answered his request.

Like with this dad, Jesus doesn’t condemn us when we struggle with unbelief and doubts, He wants to encourage our faith and refine it. Don’t focus on your doubts or fears, focus on how good and faithful Jesus is. Remember, He isn’t rewarding your faith, He is doing what He wants to do. Throughout scripture and the rest of human history God does whatever He pleases whether man believes or not. Be thankful that God rules in your life with grace, mercy, kindness, and power in spite of you, and not because of you. Phew! It is liberating to know that it’s not on me, it is all on HIM.

Jesus deals with our unbelief by dealing with our faith. Jesus isn’t focused on your unbelief and doubts, and He doesn’t you want you to either. He wants you to focus on following Him. Follow Him and not your unbelief and doubts, and slowly they will weaken and your trust in Him will strengthen.